She went through the darkness of her thoughts
And found no light
The environment, full of stains didn't tell her good news
All the memories she had were nothing but illusions
Going deeper and deeper
Just an empty space, ready to be filled by anything
Anything, good, bad, delicious
The pleasure she was seeking was already gone
And with it, all the hope that was left
What was she supposed to do?
The sound of silence was changed
For the serpent was crawling and getting closer
It slipped through her body
Until her neck was surrounded by the cold skin
No air would enter her lungs
No light would reach her eyes
For they were closed
And from that wicked dream
She would wake up no more
Life had left her alone, poisoned.
And found no light
The environment, full of stains didn't tell her good news
All the memories she had were nothing but illusions
Going deeper and deeper
Just an empty space, ready to be filled by anything
Anything, good, bad, delicious
The pleasure she was seeking was already gone
And with it, all the hope that was left
What was she supposed to do?
The sound of silence was changed
For the serpent was crawling and getting closer
It slipped through her body
Until her neck was surrounded by the cold skin
No air would enter her lungs
No light would reach her eyes
For they were closed
And from that wicked dream
She would wake up no more
Life had left her alone, poisoned.
d*_*b -> HIM - Beautiful
2 comentários:
Cadê os textos felizes desse meu povão?
Lembrando que não porque um texto é feliz que a pessoa não possui senso crítico.
E eu to afim de ver algo mágico, que me faça fugir da realidade.
De triste, já basta a vida.
Amo você, mano!
E nem deu p/ falar com você no Royal... (aquela droga! :'o( )
Nossa! O_O
Ow Sue!!
Dia 16 você fez um comentário no meu blog, só que no post do dia 13... DE ABRIL!!!
Eita, hein? ¬.¬
HAHAHAHAH... Toda atrapaiada.
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